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With envious worship—must we from our meals
And quiet couches, like your rude barbarians,
Be fear'd and roused still with horrid bellowing
Of curst artillery? it is a shame!


It is a crying, an insulting shame.

Ev'n Mahomet regards our polish'd race
And rare acquirements; but for Constantine——


Ay, ay! let him come forth with his base crew

Of savage strangers; and should they refuse us,
Ev'n with good teeth and nails, fail other means,
We will do vultures' work upon them all.

(All of them calling out together, and brandishing their torches, &c, as before.)

Holla! holla! we say to you again;

Emperor! Constantine! come forth to us!

(A grand door of the palace opens, from which two flights of stairs descend into the street, and Constantine with his friends appear coming out upon the landing place. The Crowd raise a great noise upon seeing him, and he stretches out his hand as if he wished to speak, but they still continue loud and clamorous.)


Audience, if that your sov'reign may command it,