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Ye follow'd me with fond applauding love,
And bade God bless your sire; but when it lower'd,
Back to your homes ye shrunk, and gen'rous strangers
Are by my side where children should have stood.
(A confused murmur rises amongst them, and some call out.) He speaks good reason, neighbours.
(Others call out.) Out on it! all fair words!
(Others.) Peace, sirs! we'll hear him out.

(Others.) No! no! no! no! (Brandishing their torches violently.)

OTHORIC (breaking through them with a great club in his hands).

Peace, friends, I say! I am a strong Hungarian,

And I will hear him out. (The clamour subsides.)


Yes, when the tempest lower'd ye shrunk away.

But if some gen'rous shame has mov'd you now—
If, thus assembled, with repentant zeal
Ye would return, behold these open'd arms!
O there be still amongst ye men sufficient
To save your city, your domestic roofs,
Your wives, your children, all that good men love;
Were each one willing for a little term
To face but half the dangers which perforce
Not doing this, he stands exposed to;
To bear but half the toils which I bear daily,
And shall bear lovingly.