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Yes, he says well; and we'll defend him too.

(Several others.) And so we will; huzza! huzza! huzza!
Long live brave Constantine, our noble Emperor!

(Many speaking at once.) No, no! peace and surrender is our call! (Raising loud cries, and brandishing their torches with violent threatening gestures.)


Hear him out, fools, and he'll perhaps consent

To hon'rable surrender.

CONSTANTINE (to Fourth Crowd, and those who range themselves on his side).

No, friends; if ye stand by me in this hope,

Turn to your place again; for whilst I breathe,
With men enough in these encompass'd walls
To fire one gun, never shall Turkish banner
Upon our turrets wave. In this firm mind,
Upon those walls I am content to die,
By foe-men slain, or, if heav'n wills it so,
Here on this spot, by those I will not name.


No! we will die first, be it as it may,

Ere one hair of thy noble head shall fall!