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(Many of the crowd giving him their hands.) There is one for thee.
(Second.) Ay, and there. (Third.) And there.

RODRIGO (to one who hesitates).

And thou too, for thou wear'st upon thy brow

A soldier's look: I must perforce have thee.

(Casting up his hat in the air, and joined by all the crowd on his side.)

Long live brave Constantine! huzza!

(This they continue to do till the opposite party are dispirited and beat off the stage. Rodrigo then presents his newly-acquired friends to Constantine.)


I thank you all, my brave and zealous friends.

Within the palace walls I'll now conduct you,
And martial there my new-gain'd strength, for which
I give heaven thanks.

(Exeunt Constantine, followed by his friends, &c. Rodrigo walking last, and just about to go off the stage, when Othoric re-enters by the opposite side, and calls after him.)


Hark ye! a word with ye, my noble captain.

RODRIGO (returning).

What would'st thou say?