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Let us disgorge him of his ill-got gains!
He long enough has rioted in ease,
Whilst better men have felt the gripe of want.


Yes, let it be so, let the villain die!


What say'st thou, Rayner? thou alone art silent.


The wrongs are mine, and if with indignation

They fill your breasts, in strong desire of vengeance
Ye well may guess I am not far behind:
But there's a law above all human bonds,
Which damps the eager beating of my heart,
And says, "do thou no murder."


Well, clear thy knitted brows, nor look thus strangely.

We both are form'd, my friend, to know like feelings,
Like wants and wishes, and from better days
Both are reduced to fortune's lowed ebb:
And I as well as thou, standing thus singly,
Can feed my fancy up with strong conceits
Of what in letter'd lore is virtue term'd,
And bear its darkest frowns. There was a time,
When sharing ev'ry wish and ev'ry view
With one of weaker frame and softer soul;