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SCENE I. The Turkish Camp; the tent of Mahomet, who is discovered sitting alone in the eastern manner, with a great sheet of parchment spread out before him, which he is considering attentively.

MAHOMET (after tracing some lines with a pen or pencil).

Ho, Osmir! art thou here?

Enter Osmir.

Come hither, vizir; follow with thine eye

The various dispositions of this plan
Which for our grand attack I here have traced.
God and the Prophet being on our side,
That mingled broil of fierce and dreadful fight
Which shall not cease till from the list of nations
This eastern empire, with its long told line
Of paltry Cæsars, be expung'd and blank,
Shall not be long delay'd.


All things must yield unto the towering spirit

And comprehensive genius of your highness.
Permit your slave.(Looking over the plan.)
Conceiv'd, indeed, with deep and wond'rous skill!