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Say rather, villain, to be acted on.

Do racks and burning iron please thee well
That thou should'st earn them with such desp'rate pains.

(To the Guards.) Stretch out his arms, and let me look on them. (Looking at his arms, and surveying him all over, he shrinks back as from a danger escaped, and then smiles grimly.)
There will be tough work on those sinewy limbs

When they are dealt with.—Lead the traitor off.
I will give orders for his fate ere long.
(To Othoric, who is about to speak.)
Thou shalt not speak: I hate thy horrible face.

Lead him away? (Exit Othoric and Guards, met by Petronius and Marthon, who enter as they are going out.)


What prisoner is this they lead along?


A dark assassin in my tent conceal'd,

Whose daring hand ev'n now aim'd at my life,

PETRONIUS (casting up his eyes to heaven).

The life of great and godlike Mahomet!

It makes my blood turn cold.


I too am stunn'd, and tremble at the thought.