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Yes, nobly has he shunn'd the degradation

Of slavish punishment.


It was a lofty mind in a rude state

Of wild distorted virtue; cross the fancy
It stalks, a gloomy, dark, gigantic shade,
Angel or fiend we know not.

MAHOMET (aside to himself turning gloomily away).

And Constantine is serv'd by men like these!

OTHUS (to Mahomet).

Seeing that of this crime our royal master

Doth clearly stand acquitted, by your word,
Most mighty Mahomet, we are permitted
To state his wishes.


No, ambassadors;

I have already said I hear no more
Unless ye yield the city,—Leave ye have
In safety to return.—You and your chief
O'er a volcano's thinly-bridged gulf
Have ta'en your stand, and the dire crash is near.


And with our chief in that tremendous ruin,

If it must be, we will sink lovingly.