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If ye indeed are friends, not spirits enleagu'd

To force me to my ruin, let me go—
Let me go to my home.


What, dost thou call a bare unfurnish'd chamber,

With griping Landlord clam'ring in thine ears
For what he knows thou can'st not give, thy home?

RAYNER (sighing deeply).

I have no other.


Stay thou here with us:

In the next chamber thou shalt rest a while.
Lead him, my kind Sebastian, by the hand:
There is a sort of woman's kindliness
About thy nature which befits thee best
To be a sick man's friend. I'll follow you.

(Exit Rayner, leaning on Sebastian, turning about to his friends triumphantly as they go off.)

I have secur'd my man. (A voice heard without.)

But hark! a voice without! It is my mother's.
Secure the lettic'd door. Plague on her kindness
To haunt me here! I have forgot my promise.
(To Bernard.) Make fast the lettic'd door and answer for me.

BERNARD (after fastening a door of lettice work through which the Countess is seen).

Who's there? what want ye?