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The tempests when they rage, and onward bear,
With the opposed strength of towering navies
Black'ning before thee, com'st thou to my breast
In soft forgiving love? I know thou dost.


Ay, in that love that would forgive to thee

The sum of all thy sins, tho' multiplied
Ten thousand thousand fold.—
That would do in thy service—O cursed limit!
That there should be what to man's sinew'd strength,
In all the burning zeal of righteous boldness,
Impossible is.(Clenching his hands vehemently.)

OTHUS (to Rodrigo).

Cease! dost thou not respect these holy walls?


I do respect them, Othus; ne'er a head,

Shorn to the scalp, doth bow itself more humbly
Before heaven's throne than mine, albeit in truth
My words unseemly are.


Come to my heart, my friend! He reigns above
Who will forgive us both. (Embraces Rodrigo, and then observing Heugho, who has stood behind, not presuming to approach him with the rest.)
But there is one who stands from me aloof