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Of warlike engines, rais'd aloft in air,
Gleams the first light of this high-fated day;
And wide expanded, thro' the farther mists
Moves the dark Turkish host.
Thou'rt a tried soul, Rodrigo, I but new
To such tremendous, strange expectancy:
Now is the hour when the soul knows itself.
(Rising on tiptoe with a conscious smile.)


Ay, Othus, thou dost wear the countenance

Of a true man: give me thine honest hand.
Are all our friends assembled? (Trumpet sounds.)


This says they are: and here comes, last of all,

Our northern friends.

Enter more of the Friends.

Now we are all assembled. Constantine,

He also comes; and sadly by his side,
In mournful dignity, moves his high dame,
Proudly contending with her woman's heart.

Enter Constantine and Valeria, attended.

CONSTANTINE (returning the general salute of the chiefs).

Good morrow, noble brothers and brave leaders:

Are we all here conven'd?