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There will we take our stand, and there will we
Do our last deeds of men. Come on, brave mates!
Take up our honour'd treasure; and, so burden'd,
He that doth grapple with us had as lief
Pull from the lion's hug his bosom'd whelp.

(The followers take up the body, and Othus and Rodrigo retire, defending it bravely from a party of Turks, who enter and fall upon them as they are bearing it off.)

SCENE II. An apartment in one of the towers of the palace.

Enter Valeria in great alarm, followed by Lucia and Attendants.


Louder and louder still the dreadful sound

Of battle swells. Is it not nearer us?
This lofty tower the widest view commands;

Open that lattice quickly. (Pointing to a window which Lucia opens, and then, rushing on eagerly to look, shrinks back again.)
I pray thee look thyself, mine eyes are dark,

And I see nothing. Oh, what see'st thou?
Tell me whate'er it be.

LUCIA (looking out).

Nothing but clouds of smoke and eddying dust:

A dun and grumly darkness spreads o'er all,
From which arise those horrid sounds, but naught
Distinctive of the fight can I discern.