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SCENE III. A hall in the palace.

Enter a Crowd of frightened Women, and seem hurrying on to some place of greater security.

FIRST WOMAN (stopping).

No, we are wrong; we'll to the eastern tower,

That is the most retir'd; that last of all
Will tempt their search.


In the deep vaulted caverns of the palace,

Might we not for a while conceal'd remain,
Till heav'n shall send us means?


Ay, thou art right; that is the best of all:
We'll to the vaults. (As they are all turning and hurrying back again, enter a domestic Officer of the palace, and stops them.)


Where do you run with such wild looks of fear?

Think ye the Turks are passing thro' the city,
Like the short visit of a summer's storm,
That you in holes and rocks may safely hide
Until it be o'erblown?


Oh, no! we know that they are come for ever!

Yet for a little while we fain would save us
From fearful things.