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And do those brave men live?


They do; but Othus soon I fear will be

With him he mourns.—Delay no more, I pray:
Inform the empress speedily of this.


Alas! she is not in a state to hear it:

The phrenzy of her grief repels all comfort.—
But softly!—hush!—methinks I hear her voice.
She's coming hither in the restless wand'rings
Of her untamed mind.—Stand we aside,
And speak not to her yet.

Enter Valeria with her hair dishevelled, and in all the wild disorder of violent sorrow, followed by Ella and Lucia, who seem endeavouring to soothe her.


Forbear all words; and follow me no more.

I now am free to wander where I list;
To howl i' the desert with the midnight winds,
And fearless be amidst all fearful things.
The storm has been with me, and I am left
Torn and uprooted, and laid in the dust
With those whom after-blasts rend not again.
I am in the dark gulf where no light is.
I am on the deep bed of sunken floods,