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Strange, and perplexing, and unsuitable.
'Tis not in nature.


Think'll thou so, good vizir?

Thou'rt right, belike, but it is wond'rous graceful.
(A loud shriek of women heard without.)

What shrieks are these? Run thou and learn the cause. (Osmir going, is prevented by Valeria, who re-enters with her robe wrapped across her breast, and supported by Lucia, and Ella, and her other Attendants, who seem in great affliction round her.)

VALERIA (speaking as she enters).

Mourn not; the thing is past that was to be.

Conduct me to the sultan: I have still
Strength to fulfil my task.


Great Prophet! what is this? What hast thou done?

(To Valeria.)


Brought thee the mark'd memorial of my right.

(Shewing a dagger.)
And that I now am fitted for that rest,
The honour'd rest which you have granted me,
Being the fix'd condition of your promise,

Here is the witness.(Opening her robe, and shewing the wound in her breast.)