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I needs must go where a more powerful call
Doth summon me.

RODRIGO (softened).

Ah! must thou then so soon, my gen'rous Othus!

Must thou so soon? Well, ask whatever thou wilt:
I give my chafed passion to the winds.
Ah! goest thou? Do I the last remain
Of those who lov'd the noble Constantine?
The last of a brave band? Alas! alas!
(Embracing Othus tenderly.)

OSMIR (to Mahomet, who strides up and down in gloomy agitation).

Most mighty Mahomet, what thus disturbs you?

May not your slave in humble zeal be told?


Away! away! thy humble zeal I know;

Yea, and, the humble zeal of such as thou art.
The willing service of a brave man's heart,
That precious pearl, upon the earth exists,
But I have found it not.
(Turning to Othus and Rodrigo.)
Ye valiant men who have so serv'd your prince,
There still is in the world a mighty monarch,
Who, if he might retain you near his throne,
Shall he say near his heart, in such dear zeal?
Would think his greatness honour'd.