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with thee. Put it up, put it up: I command thee to do it; and thou knowest I have not often used this stern word.


O no, sir! You have not indeed used it; and I shall never meet with another master like you,


Thou wilt meet, I hope, my dear Herman, with a far better master than I have been to thee, though not with one for whom thou wilt do so much kindly service as thou hast done for me; and for this cause, perhaps, thou wilt not love him so much. God prosper thee for it, wherever thou goest!—Take this embrace and blessing for all thou hast done for me. Farewel! farewel! thou must be gone now; indeed thou must. God bless thee, my good Herman.

(Pushing Herman gently off the stage, who wipes his eyes and seems unwilling to go.)

Exit Herman.)

RAYNER (alone).

Now am I left alone: there's no one near me

That e'er hath loved or cared for me. Methinks
I now can better look i'th' surly face
Mine alter'd state, and bear to be in want.
I am alone, and I am glad of it.
Alas! chang'd heart of mine! what is that state
Which gives to thee such thoughts?—Elizabeth—
At it again! This strong idea still!