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The better then for thee that thou art so.


Conduct me onward: I perceive an opening

Which leads, I guess, to some more close recess:
Lay me down there for I am very faint.


I will obey thee.—Come thou too, old man;

Not from my sight one moment must thou budge.
Come on: for, mark me well, should'st thou betray us,
Tho' fetter'd down with chains in grated dungeons,
Our arms were long enough to reach to thee.

SCENE IV. Another part of the wood; at a distance, on the back ground, are discovered two men watching a dead body by the light of a torch stuck between the boughs of a tree; the stage otherwise perfectly dark.

Enter GOBUS on the front of the stage.


I fear they will all escape from us amongst these 'tangled paths and vile perplexing thickets. A man cannot get on half a dozen of paces here but some cursed clawing thing catches hold of him, and when he turns round to collar his enemy, with a good hearty curse in his mouth, it is nothing but a