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The inside of the Prison: Rayner and Elizabeth are discovered sitting sorrowfully by one another in earnest discourse.


Thou sayest well, my sweet Elizabeth;

In this I have against thy love offended.
But in the brightness of fair days, in all
The careless gaiety of unruffled youth,
Smiling like others of thy sex, I loved thee;
Nor knew that thou wert also form'd to strive
With the braced firmness of unyielding virtue
In the dark storms of life—alike to flourish
In sunshine or in shade.—Alas! alas!
It was the thoughts of seeing thee—but cease!
The die is cast; I'll speak of it no more:
The gleam which shews to me thy wond'rous excellence
Glares also on the dark and lowering path
That must our way divide.


O no! as are our hearts, our way is one,

And cannot be divided. Strong affection
Contends with all things, and o'ercometh all things,
I will unto thee cling with strength so terrible,
That human hands the hold will ne'er unlock.