Page:Modern Dancing (1914) Castle.djvu/120

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which is done in this way: The gentleman lets go of the lady's right hand, which has been held out, and she slowly puts it behind her back, just above the waist-line. When It has arrived there the gentleman takes it in his right, which is already at the lady's waist; and with his left takes her left and holds it above her head. The single may be done in either direction. This effect is shown in the photographs which illustrate this dance. When the hands are changed, before going into the third figure, the partners go back first to the Two Step, which is the basis of the whole dance.


This step in New York is called "Skating." It seems to be a very good name for it, as the position you take is exactly the same as that taken by skaters when they are skating side by side. You get into the step in this way: When we left off, we were doing the Two Step. Now, if the gentleman will do a single step and still keep his partner doing a Two Step, he will find that she turns around so that she is side by side with him. As soon as she is in this position, and he finds that he is on the same foot as she is—that is, in step with her—he resumes the Two Step down the room (but he is naturally at the side of her instead of in front).