Page:Modern Dancing (1914) Castle.djvu/126

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This step consists of the lady, who is dancing with her back to the gentleman, turning around and facing him. There are several ways of doing it. I will explain the prettiest. Let us suppose we are doing the Back Two Step, whicK, as I have already explained, ends with the Single. The gentleman slowly raises the lady's left hand (which is held in his left) above her head (the right hand for the time being remaining where it is); he gently pulls it toward her right shoulder, which, properly done, should give her the cue to turn around to the right and face her partner. Now, in order to get in step with him, she must change onto the other foot, which must be done by missing out one step and deliberately changing onto the other foot. After the change is made the hands will naturally come in front of you, palms together, just above the shoulders; you must bring them slowly up above the head and around in a semicircle, single-stepping all the while; and when the man's right hand is on a level with the lady's waist he must release her left hand and take her waist as in the first position of the dance. Then two-step, and repeat the same steps or other ones as your fancy dictates.