Page:Modern Dancing (1914) Castle.djvu/164

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sleep, plus an occasional brisk walk, an alcohol rub, and dancing—of such are happiness and beauty made.

The graceful dipping in the slow Waltz and the Lame Duck is physically and hygienically a great boon to the beauty-seeker. It prevents flat feet and fallen arches and brings into play tissues that otherwise would never be exercised. Round shoulders disappear, stiff muscles grow limber, and, most of all, this dancing stimulates both men and women to a great extent, and actually has, according to several great physicians, cut down the consumption of liquor. Men and women who used to loiter in cafés, drinking and chatting, during the afternoons are now dancing and drinking only a cup of tea. Young men are dancing instead of loafing in clubs and drinking, and the girls are learning wisdom about the deadly cocktail, so that every dip and walk and glide and lock-step is really a soldier in a great army of health and beauty.