Page:Modern Dancing (1914) Castle.djvu/170

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The chance to do these special dances is really eagerly sought nowadays, for women and men alike take a pride in attaining perfection that spurs them on to lesson after lesson, and is fast resulting in an array of society maids and men who dance fully as well as the paid professional. I must suggest, too, that the hostess arrange with some couple among her guests to start the dancing. Sometimes at a tea, especially a small one, ladies will hesitate to be the first on the floor. In some instances fully half of the dance is wasted. But if the hostess has a daughter or a lady friend who will start out with the first bars of the music, the other guests will quickly follow her example.

In arranging the dances the hostess should also remember that the majority of people dance the One Step; that the Hesitation Waltz and its variations are almost equally popular; but that the Tango—the Argentine Tango—is not generally known or danced, and therefore no more than one or two of these should be introduced in the afternoon's progress.

This also applies to the diner dansant, which is, as it were, a Tango tea in the evening. It differs from the formal dinner dance in many respects, first because the guests often dance before and after the dinner and sometimes between courses,

and also because it is entirely informal. It is a