Page:Modern Dancing (1914) Castle.djvu/185

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hausted, and out-of-breath dancing devotees who gave to the ball-room ensemble the look of a football field after the battle, the day has at last come when repose is an essential quality for the up-to-date dance enthusiast.

For the modern dance, when properly executed, is an exquisite sight, and the swaying, gliding Tango lovers or Hesitation Waltzers develop a grace of motion and an ease of deportment that probably most of them would never develop without these aids.

Of course, the modern dances can be made to appear vulgar when performed by vulgarly inclined dancers. The same criticism applies directly to the stage and the novel. But it would be manifestly unfair to condemn all plays because of the bill offered at the lowly burlesque house, or to condemn all story-telling on account of a few authors who write tainted fiction. It is just as unfair to criticize unfavorably the really beautiful dances of the day as they are burlesqued and exaggerated in the cheap cabaret entertainments.

In reply to the severe comments of some of the elder generation who still cling to its old-fashioned dances, let us resolve to take their uncharitable view of the young generation's dance-madness in good spirit and casually remind them that no

present-day Tango fever will half equal the epi-