Page:Modern Dancing (1914) Castle.djvu/30

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should open properly conducted dancing-halls for young people where they can dance to good music under refined supervision.

Give them clean fun to offset the hard work of the day. Give them exercise for tired muscles; give them instructors to teach them, without charge, the correct positions and the correct steps for the popular dances, and every girl and boy you teach in this fashion will teach their friends, until by constructive elimination we have done away with what is vulgar by giving our young people something better.

We are planning now to have classes for girls who work, under the direction of vulunteer teachers from Castle House, and I feel that it is a venture whose success is assured, and one which will be copied by men and women of leisure all over the country. It is easy to make the young happy and easy to rob them of joy. It is our privilege, as experienced, responsible guardians, to put within their reach every means of innocent amusement. Otherwise they will fill the void in their lives by amusements of a more questionable character.

The child of the tenement would be delighted if put into a beautiful, clean, and airy play-room; so will be the men and women of all ages when we

show them how to dance the modern dances grace-