Page:Modern Dancing (1914) Castle.djvu/33

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they are mistaken in their choice of the steps, that "society" does not do those dances. They hear hundreds of men and women denouncing the scandalous modern dances, and in their ignorance think that these are the only dances.

Let us, therefore, have dance-halls that are properly run, with instructors to teach the new dances, with a good floor and good music and a welcome for every one.

Let us have places of amusement where the fathers and mothers and even the little ones can come with the young people, and where they can look on and enjoy the healthy relaxation of their children.

Let the dance-halls become decent social centers where families can gather in sympathy and in understanding. There teach that it is better to dance correctly than to undulate round and round in a narrow circle and in a close embrace, misnaming this a Hesitation Waltz.

The One Step, the Hesitation, the Lame Duck, the Innovation, the Half and Half—all the new dances, in fact—have enough pretty steps to delight the hearts of girls and boys who want to show off. They are easy enough for even the awkward girl to learn, and they are good exercise and clean exercise for every boy.