Page:Modern Dancing (1914) Castle.djvu/60

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which. I personally always spin on my heel on a slippery floor and on my toe on a carpet or "dead" floor.


This is a step which can be done at any time during the One Step. It is simply stepping out at the side of your partner so that instead of walking in front you are walking a little to the side of each other. I will explain in this way :

The gentleman is walking forward and the lady backward, as in the ordinary One Step. Now the gentleman holds the lady a little distance away from him and steps out to his left so that, without changing the direction at all, his right foot is at the side of her right foot instead of being between her feet. You walk several steps this way, and a half turn or spin to the right will bring you to your original position.


Here is another way of doing this step, which is a little more difficult, but much more effective. In this the gentleman is going backward and the lady forward. Now the gentleman holds the lady a little distance away, and turns her so that she takes a half-turn backward, and he takes a half-