Page:Modern Dancing (1914) Castle.djvu/84

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making her dance the Waltz part of the Hesitation forward. The man does the opposite. He dances one Hesitation step forward, then crosses the right foot in back of the left, pivoting on the left, making him dance the Waltz step backward. The man keeps at the right side of the lady throughout the whole step.


The man, who should be going forward, turns the lady so that she will be facing in the same direction as himself. They do one Hesitation step forward, finishing with the weight on the outside foot—that is, the man on his left and the lady on her right. Without loosening the hold any more than necessary, they both turn, making a revolution toward the inside. After that the arms, which hitherto have been extended straight in front of them, are at the back, and they look over their elbows. Then they walk one step, the man with his right and the lady with her left, and continue the Waltz step with the inside foot. After finishing the Waltz step they turn as before, only this time the movement is toward the outside, and again with only an almost imperceptible loosening of the hold. This brings you to the first position of the step, which you may continue any number of times.