Page:Modern Dancing (1914) Castle.djvu/98

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the right foot shifts forward to the back of the left heel, taking the weight, so you see there are really four steps to three counts like this—one, two, and three; left foot, right, left-right. This step can be repeated as many times as desired.


This step is practically a double Cortez. The man steps forward with his right foot, holding it two counts. The left slides forward one count, and the right takes the weight for one count; thus four counts have been occupied. The man then steps back with his left, holding it two counts; the right slides back one count, and the left takes the weight for one count. The complete step itself occupies eight counts, but to get the effect the dancers must keep in mind that it must be done smoothly and easily. The position is the same as in the Cortez. The lady's step is, of course, just the opposite. She steps back left, holding it two counts, and then slides the right back one count; the left takes the weight for one count, repeating the step forward with the right.


The dancers promenade once, and instead of continuing forward with the outside foot they do