Page:More Australian legendary tales.djvu/135

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Some press IRotices OF JACOBS' AND BATTEN'S FAIRY TALES. English Fairy Tales. Daily Graphic. — " As a collection of fairy tales to delight children of all ages, ranks second to none." Globe. — "A delight alike to the young people and their elders." England.— •' K most delightful volume of fairytales." Daily News. — " A more desirable child's book . . . has not been seen for many a day." Atheniemn. — " From first to last, almost without exception, these stories are delightful." E. S. Hartland. — "The most delightful book of fairy tales, taking form and contents together, ever presented to children," Miss Thackeray. — " This delightful book. " Review of Reviews. — " Nothing could be more fascinating." Celtic Fairy Tales. Scotsman. — " One of the best books of stories ever put together." Free- man's Journal. — "An admirable selection." Ariel. — "Delightful stories, exquisite illustrations by John D. Batten, and learned notes." Daily Telegraph. — " A stock of delightful little narratives." Daily Chronicle. — " A charming volume skilfully illustrated." Pall Mall Budget.— " P>. perfectly lovely book. And oh! the wonderful pictures inside." Liverpool Daily Post.— "Th.s best fairy book of the present season. "— 06«k Times.— •' Many a mother will bless Mr. Jacobs, and many a door will be open to him from Land's End to John o' Groat's." More English Fairy Tales. Athenaum. — " Will become more popular with children than its prede- cessor." Notes and Queries. — "Delightful and in every respect worthy of its predecessor." Glasgow Herald. — " A more delightful collection of fairy tales could hardly be wished for." Glasgow Evening News. — "The new volume of ' English Fairy Tales ' is worthy of the one that went before, and this is really saying a great deal." More Celtic Fairy Tales. Daily Chronicle. — "A bright exemplar of almost all a fairy-tale book should be." Saturday Review.—" Delightful for reading, and profitable for comparison." Irish Daily Independent.—" Full of bold and beautiful illus- trations." North British Daily Mail.— "The stories are admirable, and nothing could be better in their way than thedesigns." News of the World. — " Mr. Batten has a real genius for depicting fairy folk." Indian Fairy Tales. Dublin Daily Express.— " Vniqae. and charming anthology." Daily News.— " Good for the schoolroom and the study." .Siac- " Illustrated with a charming freshness of fancy. " Gloucester Journal.—" A book which is something more than a valuable addition to folk-lore ; a book for the student as well as for the child."— Sco^swian.—" Likely to prove a perfect success." Literary World.—" Admirably grouped, and very enjoyable." 5