Page:More Australian legendary tales.djvu/143

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SONGS FOR SOMEBODY. Verses by Dollie Radford. Pictures by Gertrude Bradley. Square crown 8vo. Six Plates printed in colour by Edmund Evans, and 36 Designs in monochrome. Coloured Cover by Louis Davis. 3s. 6d. GOOD NIGHT. Verses by Dollie Radford. Designs by Louis Davis. Forty pages entirely designed by the artist and pulled on the finest and the thickest cartridge paper. Boards and canvas back with label, 2s. 6d. Some ipress IFlotlces. Daily Chronicle. — " As far as we know no one else sings quite like Mrs. Radford ; hers is a bird's note — thin, high, with a sweet thrill in it, and the thrill is a home thrill, a nest thrill." Commonwealth. — " We have read with pure enjoyment Mrs. Radford's slight but charming cycle of rhymes." Star, — "A tender spirit of motherhood inspires Mrs. Radford's simple little songs." Review of Reviews. — "Very charming poems for children not unworthy even to be mentioned in the same breath with Stevenson's ' Child's Garden of Verses. ' " Aihenaum. — " 'Good Night' is one of the daintiest little books we have seen for years. The verses are graceful and pretty, and the illustrations excellent. It will please both young and old." Literary World. — " Charming little songs of childhood. " New Age. — "Mrs. Radford is closely in touch with a child's mind, and her ideal child is a nice, soft, loving little creature whom we all want to caress in our arms." Artist. — " Since Blake died never has a book been produced which can so truly be described as a labour of love to the artist as ' Good Night.' " MEDI/EVAL legends. Being a Gift-Book to the Children of England, of Five Old-World Tales from France and Germany. Demy 8vo. Designed Cloth Cover, 3s. 6d. Contents. — The Mysterious History of Melusina— The Story of .^sop— The Rhyme of the Seven Swabians— The Sweet and Touching Tale of Fleur and Blanchefleur— The Wanderings of Duke Ernest. Some press iftotices. Saturday Review. — " A capital selection of famous legends." Times. — " There can be no question as to the value of this gift." Morning Post. — " Full of romantic incident, of perilous adventure by land and sea." - . ui GMay^'aM.— "This delightful volume. . . . In all respects admirable. World. — " An elegant and tasteful volume." 15