Page:Mosquitoes, gnats, craneflies, midges and flies of the northern states (IA mosquitoesgnatsc00knobe).pdf/35

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A. /Vo//iac///(S) /mstari/ii. 1/^ in. gray, with brow 11 maiUs on chett and lirowii bands on liodv. A. nigcr yi in.; black; chest with gra_v stripes. A. {Triipanca) vertcbratiis. l'^ in. gray ciicst with liroun stripes body witii bhick spots shanks redibNh. A. rufipes. Jh in. brown bod- vellowisli, w itli short black bands shanks reddish. ^1. luacrolabis. blackish, with gray stripes and four triangular while spots on body legs cliestnut. Js '"• Erax) poffonias. '/% in.; brown, with indistinct chestnut stripes legs black shanks chestnut. A. A. sericciis. J^ in.; golden; chest with a broad black stripe and indistinct narrow side stripes; wing {


lO. 1


12. 13-



brownish vellow.

15. 16.

A. (MallopJiora) orcinits. J^ in. black, hairy; waist vellow. A. (Erax) acsluans. ^ in.; redilish brown; chest with faint black lines; body black maiked; a white ring around end of body on the male. {Era) apicalis. S^in. chest brassy yellow with black stripes; body black, with triangular gray;

haired side-spots 18. 19.


legs reddish.

A. gracilis, ys in. gray body, point and hind edge of wing brownish A. n talus. Yi in.; black; chest grayish body with white bands. A. atrupanca laphroides. ;< in. gray, hairy with black shanks.



and legs yellow.
