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Fairy Tales.

godmother, be but a good girl, and I will contrive that you ſhall go. Then ſhe took her into her chamber, and ſaid to her, run into the garden, and bring me a pompion. Cinderilla went immediately to gather the fineſt ſhe could get, aud brought it to her godmother, not being able to imagine how this pompion could make her go to the ball. Her godmother ſcooped out all the inſide of it, having left nothing but the rind, which done, ſhe ſtruck it with her wand, and the pompion was inſtantly turned into a fine coach gilded all over with gold.

She then went and look'd into the mouſe-trap, where ſhe found ſix mice all alive, and ordered Cinderilla to lift up a little the trap-door, when giving each mouſe as it went out a little tap with her wand, the mouſe was that moment turned into a fair horſe, which altogether made a very fine ſet of ſix horſes, of a beautful mouſe-coloured, dapple grey. Being at a loſe for a coachman, "I will go and ſee, ſays Cinderilla, if there be never a rat in the rat-trap, we may make a coachman of him." "Thou art in the right, replied her godmother, go and look." Cinderilla brought the trap to her, and in it there were three huge rats. The Fairy made choice of one of the three which had the largeſt beard, and having touched him with her wand, he was turned into a fat jolly coachman, who had the ſmarteſt whiſkers and eyes ever beheld.

After that, ſhe ſaid to her, Go again into the garden, and you will find ſix lizards behind the watering pot; bring them to me. She had no ſooner done ſo, but her godmother turned them into ſix footmen, who ſkipped up immediately behind the coach, with their liveries all bedaubed with gold and ſilver, and clung as cloſe behind each other, as if they had done nothing else their whole lives. The Fairy then ſaid to Cinderilla, well, you ſee here an equippage, fit to go to the