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Fairy Tales.

bag, and ſtretched himſelf out at length, as if he had been dead, he waited for ſome young rabbits, not yet acquianted with the deceits of the world, to come and rummage his bag for what he had put into it.

Scarce was he lain down, but he had what he wanted: a raſh and fooliſh young rabbit, jumped into his bag, and Monſieur Puſs immedately drawing cloſe the strings, took and killed him without pity. Proud of his prey, he went with it into the palace, and aſked to speak with his majeſty. He was ſhewed up ſtairs into the king's apartment, and making a low reverence, ſaid to him, "I have brought you, Sir, a rabbit of the warren, which my noble lord, the Marquis of Carabas, (for that was the title, which Puſs was pleaſed to give his maſter) has commanded me to preſent to your majeſty, from him." "Tell thy maſter," ſaid the king, "that I thank him, and he does me a great deal of pleaſure"

Another time he went and hid himſelf amongſt ſome ſtanding corn, holding ſtill his bag open; and when a brace of partridges ran into it, he drew the ſtrings, and ſo caught them both. He went and made a preſent of theſe to the king, as he had done before of the rabbit which he took in the warren. The king, in like manner received the partridges with great pleaſure, and ordered him ſome money to drink.

The cat continued for two or three months, thus to carry his majeſty from time to time, game of his maſter's taking. One day in particular, when he knew for certain the king was to take the air along the river ſide, with his daughter, the moſt beautiful princeſs in the world, he ſaid to his maſter, "If you will follow my advice, your fortune is made; you have nothing elſe to do, but go and waſh yourſelf in the river in that part I ſhall ſhew you, and leave the reſt to me." Thc Marquis of