Page:Mr. Punch's history of the Great War, Graves, 1919.djvu/276

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Mr. Punch's History of the Great War

breached and gone the way of the "Wotan "line. Wotan was not a happy choice:

But even super-Germans are wont at times to nod,
And to borrow Wotan's ægis was indubitably odd;
For dark decline o'erwhelmed his line: he saw his god-head wane,
And his stately palace vanish in a red and ruinous vain.

Well may the Berlin Tageblatt say that "the war stares us in the face and stares very hard." When a daily paper

Mr. Punch's history of the Great War p276
Mr. Punch's history of the Great War p276


German Eagle (to German Dove): "Here, carry on for a bit, will you I'm feeling rather run down."

announces "Half Crown Prince's army turned over to another General," we are curious to know how much the Half Crown Prince thinks the German Sovereign worth. But the end is not yet. Our pride in the achievements of our Armies and Generals, in the heroism of our Allies and the strategy of Marshal Foch does not blind us to the skill and tenacity with which the Germans are conducting their retreat. Fritz is a tough fighter; if only he had fought a clean fight we could look forward to a thorough reconciliation. But that is a far cry for those who have been in the war, farthest of all for our sailormen, who can never forget certain acts of frightfulness.