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Mr. Sidney Lee and the Baconians

(1) "There is every probability that his ancestors."

(2) "Probably his birthplace."

(3) "Some doubt is justifiable as to the ordinarily accepted scene of his birth."

(4) "His summons to act at Court was possibly due."

(5) "One of them doubtless the alleged birthplace."

(6) "There is no inherent improbability in the tale."

(7) "William probably entered the school."

(8) "There seems good ground for regarding."

(9) "Probably in 1577 he was enlisted by his father."

(10) "It is possible that John's ill-luck."

(11) "Shakespeare's friends may have called the attention of the strolling players to the homeless lad."

(12) "The wedding probably took place."

(13) "The circumstances made it highly improbable."

(14) "Renders it improbable."

(15) "If, as is possible, it be by Shakespeare."

(16) "It seems possible."

(17) "Probably his ignorance of affairs."

(18) "From such incidents doubtless sprang."

(19) "He was doubtless another."

(20) "His intellectual capacity and the amiability … were probably soon recognised."

(21) "It is hardly possible to doubt."

(22) "But there seems no doubt,"

(23) "All the evidence points to the conclusion."

(24) "But in all probability he drew."

(25) "Justice Shallow is beyond doubt a reminiscence" [of Sir Thomas Lucy. According to Mrs. Slopes, he certainly is not].

(26) "The Rose was doubtless the earliest scene."

(27) "It was doubtless performing."

(28) "He doubtless owed all [his realistic portrayal of Italian life and sentiment] to the verbal reports of travelled friends, or to books."

(29) "Shakespeare may be credited with …"

(30) "The whole of Shakespeare's dramatic work was probably begun."

(31) "It was, doubtless, to Shakespeare's personal relations. …"

(32) "Shakespeare doubtless gained …"

(33) "It is just possible."

(34) "The tirade was probably inspired."