Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1338

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Method.—Wash, skin, bone and dry the anchovies, then chop them and rub them through a fine sieve. Steam or bake the yolks of eggs in a buttered cup or small mould, and pass them through a sieve. Melt the butter, mix with it the anchovies, yolk of eggs and cheese, adding cayenne to taste. Roll out the paste as thin as a wafer, cut it into ¾-inch diameter rounds, place on each half 1 teaspoonful of the preparation, wet the edges, and fold over into a crescent shape. Brush over with egg, coat with breadcrumbs, fry in hot fat until crisp and nicely browned, then drain well. Dish in a pyramidal form, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and Krona pepper, and serve as hot as possible.

Time.—1 hour. Average Cost, 1s. Sufficient for 6 or 8 persons. Seasonable at any time.

2717.—ANCHOVIES, RUTLAND STYLE. (Fr.Anchois à la Rutland.)

Ingredients.—For the cheese paste: 3 ozs. of flour, 1½ ozs. of butter, 1 dessertspoonful of grated Parmesan cheese, the yolk of 1 egg, salt, cayenne. For the preparation: 4 anchovies, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 tablespoonful of thick white sauce, anchovy-essence, carmine or cochineal, watercress.

Method.—Rub the butter into the flour, add the cheese, yolk of egg, a little salt and cayenne, and water to mix to a stiff paste. Roll out thinly, cut into 1¾ inch squares, bake them in a moderate oven until crisp, and use when cool. Wash, bone and dry the anchovies, and divide them into fine ½ inch strips. Mix with them the white sauce and the finely-sieved yolk of egg, season with cayenne, add a few drops of anchovy essence and carmine, drop by drop, until a pale pink colour is obtained. Pile the preparation on the biscuits, garnish with fine strips of white of egg, and leaves of watercress or chervil.

Time.—1½ hours. Average Cost, 1s. Sufficient for 6 or 8 persons. Seasonable at any time.

2718.—ANCHOVY TARTLETS. (Fr.Tartlettes d'Anchois.)

Ingredients.—Anchovy paste, anchovy cream (see Anchovy Biscuits, No. 2708), capers, lobster coral or Krona pepper.

Method.—Line very small patty-pans with the paste, prick it all over, cover the paste with buttered paper, and fill with rice. Bake in a moderately hot oven until crisp, remove the paper and rice, and when cold fill with the anchovy cream. The mixture should be piled high in the centre, and sprinkled with lobster coral or Krona pepper, the base of each being garnished with capers.

Time.—1½ hours. Average Cost, about 1s. Sufficient for 6 or 8 persons. Seasonable at any time.