Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/1673

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Ingredients.—1 lb. of Morella cherries, 1 lb. of black cherries, ½ a lb. of loaf or good preserving sugar, ¼ of an oz. of stick cinnamon, 12 cloves, brandy.

Method.—Remove the stalks and stones from the cherries, crush the stones and cherries, put them into a bottle with the sugar, cloves and cinnamon, and pour over them the brandy. Cork closely, let it stand for 14 days, then strain into small bottles, cork securely, and store for use.


Ingredients.—4 lemons, 1 pint of spirits of wine, 1 pint of syrup, No. 2599.

Method.—Remove the rinds of the lemons as thinly as possible, pour over them the spirits of wine, cover and put aside for 10 days. On the tenth day make the syrup as directed, add the strained juice of 4 lemons, and, when quite cold, strain and mix in the spirits of wine. Bottle, cork securely, and store for use.


Ingredients.—¼ of a lb. of cloves, ¼ of a lb. of coriander seed, ½ a lb. of loaf sugar, 2 dozen large black cherries, 1 quart of gin or brandy.

Method.—Remove the stalks and stones from the cherries, bruise the stones, also the cloves and coriander seed. Put the whole into a wide-necked bottle, add the sugar, pour in the brandy, and cover closely for 1 month. When ready, strain the liquid into small bottles, cover closely, and store for use.


Ingredients.—1 quart of brandy or rectified spirits of wine, 1 lb. of loaf sugar, ½ a pint of cold water, ½ a pint of boiling water, 2 ozs. of very thinly-pared orange rind.

Method.—Put the orange rinds into a jar, pour over them the boiling water; when cool, add the brandy. Cover closely, let the liquid stand for 10 days in a moderately warm place, and stir it 2 or 3 times daily. On the tenth day, boil the sugar and cold water together until reduced to a thick syrup, let this become quite cold, then add to it the liquid from the jar, previously strained through flannel or fine muslin until clear. Pour into small bottles, cork tightly, and store for use.

3563.—CURAÇOA. (Another Method.)

Ingredients.—3 pints of brandy or rectified spirits of wine, the rinds of 6 Seville oranges and 1 lemon, ½ of an oz. of stick cinnamon, ¼ of an oz.