Page:Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management.djvu/2073

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Epilepsy.—Give bromide of sodium in 20-grain doses in water 2 or 3 times a day. (See also under "What to Do in Case of Sudden Illness.")

Face Burning.—Exposure of the complexion to intense sun or to snow reflection, as in Alpine climbing, may produce severe burning and blistering. Preventive measures should be taken, the best of which is to thickly coat the face with cold cream or prepared lard. Severe burning may require treatment by powdering the face with boracic acid powder, or flour, and wearing a linen mask, to prevent exposure to the air. Glycerine and cucumber and glycerine are useful for mild cases.

Falling Hair.See Baldness.

Foul Breath may be due to decayed teeth, to disease of the nose or throat, or to defective digestion. Much may be done by careful cleansing and disinfecting the mouth and nose. The following may be used as a mouthwash, or for syringing the nose: carbolic acid, 1 drachm; eau-de-Cologne or lavender water, 2 drachms; and water to 8 ozs. It is of primary importance to ascertain the cause of the offensive breath, and to treat that.

Frost-bite.—Parts most frequently affected: ears, nose, cheeks, fingers and toes. The frost-bitten part is greyish-white, and absolutely insensitive.

Treatment.—Rub with snow or ice-cold water till sensation returns. Artificial warmth applied to a frost-bite will cause mortification.

Gravel or sand in urine is due to an excess of uric acid in the system. A gouty tendency, too much rich food, and a sluggish liver will cause the excess.

Treatment—consists in adopting a plain, light and spare diet, avoiding sweets, creams, wines, malt liquors and much red meat, and in taking plenty of demulcent drinks, such as barley-water or milk and soda. A dose of Carlsbad salts in the morning, with a mild mercurial pill over night will relieve the congested liver.

Hay Fever, due to irritation of the lining membrane of the nose and throat by the air-borne pollen from the flowering grasses. Spraying the throat with a lotion containing carbolic acid, 8 drops; sulphate of quinine, 2 grains; tannic acid, 4 grains; sulphurous acid, 3 drachms; and water to the ounce will be found of use; but the only certain cure is to live by the sea, or in town during the hay season.

Headache.—Take 10 grains of salicylate of sodium every hour, for 2 or 3 hours, or 7 grains of phenacetin every half-hour for an hour and a half. A drachm of potassium bromide at night will often relieve headache and sleeplessness. More "natural" cures are to lie down in a dark room and fast, or to sip a glass of cold water slowly. An aperient is often all that is needed. (See Tired Eyes.)

Heartburn.—Bismuth and soda powders as in dyspepsia (q.v.) may be given, also bismuth tablets.

Housemaid's Knee.—A swelling over the lower part of the knee-cap, brought on by frequent chills, bruising or friction. The swelling may