Page:Mun - England's treasure by forraign trade.djvu/18

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notice, the Argument, (being of ſo publick a nature) may invite your peruſall but the Tract it ſelf will, I hope, deferve your Lordſhips Protection. It was left me in the nature of a Legacy by my Father, for whoſe fake I cannot but value it as one of my beſt Moveables, and as ſuch I dedicate it to your Lordſhip.

He was in his time famous amongſt Merchants, and well known to moſt men of buſineſs, for his general Experience in Affairs, and notable Inſight into Trade ; neither was he leſs obſerved for his Integrity to his Prince, and Zeal to the Common-wealth : the ſerious Discourſes of ſuch men are commonly not unprofitable.

To your Lordſhips judgement I ſubmit this Treatiſe, and my preſumption herein to your Pardon.

My Lord,

Your moſt faithful and
obedient Servant,

John Mun.