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“Mary who was with us but three months last year is married.” She went on reading, “And Charlotte’s hus- band has taken a large shop and is making money.— Ahl I am very glad of it, for she was a nice respectable girl. Ohl here,—and has just been confined with a fine boy.—I am very glad”, said mother. I looked and found it was nine months after Tom’s birthday, and that that day nine months some one had fucked Char- lotte five times. I was delighted.

My appointment now made it needful to dine late, so we reverted to a six o’clock dinner. This neither suited the cook nor housemaid; both left, and two new servants came. I was about nineteen years old.

The cook whose name was Brown was clean, fat, and wholesome to look at, and I should say forty-five years old. She must have weighed sixteen stone. The width across her arse as I eyed it outside her dress, looked greater than that of Mary the cook; there was a roguish twinkle in her eye, which made her look like a good-tempered monthly nurse, her eyes were blue and her hair brown.

Harriet the housemaid was very tall, and very sal- low, had jet-black hair and black eyes, with the expres- sion of a serpent in them. She showed splendid teeth when she laughed, and then looked half cat, half hyena. She never looked you in the face long, was so quiet in her movements that the cat moved less noiselessly; she startled you by being close to you when you did not know she was near, and had a sneering laugh. After a day or two "my mother remarked she did not like the pair, and was sorry she had engaged them.

Up to this time I had only poked two servants, Charlotte and Mary. Others had not been to my taste.

