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it with the bellows, old Mrs. was upstairs getting brandy and other things ready. What followed I recol- lect as well .as if it were yesterday. Susan was half squatting, half kneeling and blowing the fire furiously. Standing by her my randiness came on, I pulled out my prick, and pushed it right in her face. “For shame I” said she, “I will hit you with the bellows, think of your mother.” It did shame me for a moment, I hid my prick, and knelt by her side stirring the blazing wood. But just then I saw her breasts through the half- tied night-gown; it was too much for me; that and the attitude she was in together; loosing all prudence, I pushed one hand on to her breast, and the other up her clothes, between her legs,-—-which were very con- veniently opened quite wide,—and on the slit of her cunt. With a suppressed cry she dropped the bellows, attempted to rise, and repulse my hand, and in doing so we both rolled backwards (for I had stooped) on to the floor among the black-beetles of which there were dozens about. “You wretch”, she cried in a sup- pressed voice, “ohl don’t,—and your poor mother so ill,—ohl don’t,—you shantl—and wanting hot water, —you shantl” in a still louder tone as I got my hand full on her cunt. “Oh! my God, here is Mrs. Had Mrs. not been as deaf as a post, she must have heard our scuflling, as she neared the kitchen.

In an hour or so my mother was better, and Mrs. stopped in the room with her for the night. My mother was asleep when I left, Mrs. had had a good dose of brandy and water, and I knew she would sleep well enough. I went to my room excited by the continual trying it on with Susan; Mrs. had given her a glass of brandy and water, “to keep the cold

