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I was constantly with her until pretty well fucked out, then I stayed away a while. When I recommenced she I expect thought I was weary of her, and set to work to keep me, by putting into my head things I had not heard, or thought of, asking if I would like to sate my lust in such, and such ways; and then procuring for me what she had suggested.

I was indeed worth treating so, for though I only gave her a sovereign at first, my money quickly began to go into her pocket from mine. The more variety I had, the more I paid, which was but natural, and fair.

She had a book full of the baudiest French pictures; there was not an attitude depicted in it that I did not fuck her in. That done, she asked me one day if I would like another woman to feel whilst I had her. She came, and I fucked Camille feeling the other’s cunt, longing to fuck it, but fearing to propose it. Camille guessed what I wanted, and proposed it her- self. With what joy my prick entered the stranger’s split, Camille looking on, holding her cunt open for inspection at the same time, and going through the motions of frigging herself whilst I was shoving. Then came endless variety. I had two other French ladies, and fingered their cunts Whilst I fucked a third, then two more, laying cunt upwards, legs in the air, and arses meeting over Camille’s head. At last I had six altogether at once, and spent the evening with them naked, fucking, frigging, spending up or over them, making them feel each other’s cunts, shove up dildoes, and play the devil’s delight with their organs of generation, as they are modestly called.

Then came other suggestions. “I know such a little
