Page:Mysteries of Melbourne Life.djvu/90

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B A. H R Y*S : TRICOPHEROUS PBESEBVIHO, BESTOBDIO, AHD BEAuTIFTIHG THE HAIB; Eradicating Scurf and Dandruff j H2H07ING AZ.L IMPTJEITISS FBOM THE SCALP; Preventing Baldness and Grey Hair. Will to a certainty restore weak and thin Hair, making it thick, soft, and glossy. TEE BEST HAIB COLOURING IN THE WORLD is Guaranteed not to contain any injurious or dangerous ingredients, and will colour the Hair or Whiskers any shade from Light Brown to Jet Black. IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES. Wrinkles Removed! Sunburn Removed I Freckles Removed! Tan Removed T Every Blemish Removed from .the Skin! • Sallow and Dark Skin, made Clear, Pure, and Wliite as Alabaster. Youth Restored I Ladies of 50 made to appear like J30, by a single application of the celebrated' PEARL CREAM. The most wonderful and innocent of all preparations for Beauti- fying the Face, Hands, Neck, and Arms. It floes not produce a chalky pallid white, hut gives to faded cheeks the Bich, Healthy Bloom of Youth. All Chemists, Perfumers, and Fancy Repositories.