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Order Respecting the Government of Egypt, July 27, 1798.

"Headquarters, Cairo,
"9th Thermidol, year 6.
"Bonaparte, Member of the National Institute, General-in-Chief, Orders:

"Article I. There shall be in each province of Egypt a divan, composed of seven individuals, whose duty it will be to superintend the interests of the province; to communicate to me any complaints that may be made; to prevent warfare among the different villages; to apprehend and punish criminals (for which purpose they may demand assistance from the French commandant); and to take every opportunity of enlightening the people.

"Art. II. There shall be in each province an aga of the Janizaries, maintaining constant communication with the French commandant. He shall have with him a company of sixty armed natives, whom he may take wherever he pleases, for the maintenance of good order, subordination, and tranquillity.

"Art. III. There shall be in each province an intendant, whose business will be to levy the Miri, the feddan, and the other contri-