Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/227

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ham fbund a new species of 9dJd? (of the ntt? Wo were. mow SufFering much from the treme hea? and ctoze?ess of tim .weather; tho thermometor ral?od night a?d day between 85',aud 89 �d when the breem waz light or the weathe? calm, the air was insufferably hot end ckme, and affected us .all very much, but ]mppily without any very serious consequences. In tho eve?in?, four natives armed with spears were ?een sitting in the shade, upon the sand beach undor Carlisle Head, attentively watahin? Us; but, upon being joined by three others, who ?me towards them from Point Cunningham; got up and walked away. We have yet to learn how far these people may be confided in, for were not at a very great distanoe from HanoveF Bay where we so nearly paid dear for trusti?' ourselves amongst them unarmed. We remained at the anchorage in Bay, until the following momlng, when w? weighed to a very light breeze from south-east, the only direction from which we experiencect any wind; the breeze generally .blew strong night, whilst during tho day it was lisht, nearly cahn; so that, during the night, wo were yery. insecurely placed if the'anchorage was, at nil suspicious, and in .the day .were .eit!?