Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/330

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SAILIN(? DIR?-?IONS. 30? the sifamtion of which is in 10 � 40" S., and 142 � 50' A. E. of Oreenwlch. Them is also an island close to the point Sect II. with a conical hill upon it, which has perhaps been hitherto .t?ken for the cape; from which it is separated by a shoal strait Coast. half a mile wide; the latitude of the summit is 10 � 35", and longitude 142 � 25". From this island a considerable shoal extends to the westward for six miles towards a peaked hill on the extremity of a. point. In the centre of this shoal are some dry rocks. At the distance mf nearly five miles from the above island is the rocky islet a, in latitude 10 � 50', and longitude 14?Z � 45"; it is of small size, and surrounded by deep wa?r; and, being easily seen from the strait between Cape York and the York Isles, serves to direct the course. POSSESSION ISLES consist of nine or ten 'islets, of which 2 and 7 only are of large size, and neither of these are two miles 'long; they are also higher than the others. No. I is a small conical hill; 2 is hummocky; 3, 4; and 6, are very small; 5 makes with a hollow in its centre, like the seat of a saddle. The passage between 2 and the small islets 3 and 4 is the best; there is six and seven fathoms water ;. but in passing this, it must be recollected that the tide ?ets towards the islands on the northern side. ENDEAVOUR STRAIT is on the south side of Prince of Wales's Islands: a.shoal extends from Cape Cornwall (latitude 10 � 45', longitude 142 �35" 0 to the west- ward, and is probably con0ected with a strip of sand that stretches from Wallls's Isles to Shoal C?)e. �We cres?d it with the cape beating about Fast, when..the least depth �o,.- II. X