Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/387

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362 APPENDIX. A. that separates it from the rocky hills of CAts PUSSTOn'. Sect. iV', The cape juts out into the sea, and is couneeted by reefs to 1?. W'es? some low sandy islands to the N.E.; it is in lat. 20 �? and long. 116 � In the centre of the bay, at eight miles N. 64 �from the extremity of the cape, is.a low, sandy islet, of about one-third of st mile in diameteF; stud behind it, near the shores of the bay, there appeared to be other islands of the same size and character, the particular form and situation of which could not be distinguished, There is a small rocky islet off Cape Preston, and some to the S.S.W., in whieAt direction the shore trends in and forms a bay, the shores of which were not seen. From Cape Pr,eston the coast assumes a very diCerent character from that to the eastward, being less sinuous, very low, and either Fronted by man?roves? or hy a ranks of send hills, both of which conceal the interior. The coast, at from three to seven miles, is Fronted by a ran?e low, sandy islets, from one quarter to two-thirds of a mile in diameter: there are, however, two or three near Cape ton OF lar?er size, particularly one bearing S. 66 � fifteen miles from the extremity of the Calm , of rocky charact er, but very level, and apparently steril; it Js nearly circular, and about two miles in diameter. It is visible for about live Thirty miles $.W.5.S. From Cape Preston is a mansTove bight, with several openings commuuicatin? with a large laKonn, or body OF water, at the base of a small range hills. The bight is shoal and thickly studded with sandy islets. Hence the coast extends .to the $.W.b.W, Fronted by mangroves for about Forty miles, and then fo? about sixteen miles S.W. to the entrance of Curlew River. Between Curlew River and Cape Preston, a space of eisbtY*f?vo mil?8, the?e are not i.?s than t!?ty sandy islet?