Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/453

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Ca? e? ? ?up? ?e? ?u? ? ? mb. ?. ? ?us, w? 'ep? ? ? con?ed ? ?e Isle of Fr? di?e? from ?e ?st o? ?e ??, by the t? ? dila?d ?e ?hole l?h, ?d ?mly clawl?s, ?ver? b?e?h wi? ?sver? sc?; by ?e ?umb ve? sm?l ?d indistinct, ?d by ?e ?ighs ?g fur. ?shed wi? a s? of ?n? ?res. b. P. OiNA?A, (n. L) 1?. ? .- I?bib Ida ? He? depressed, ?un? in f?t, covered ? mih? ova? s?es; the front of ?e up?r part l?d-?loured, ' ?th s m? bm? ?d b?d a liffie ?f0m ?e eye, Whi? cmscent?s?a?d ?t on e?h side imm?ia?ly ?hhd it, ?d ?en some obs?re ?d shed? just behind ?st; ?e be? lead-c&oum? ud blue, wi?. six 1on?dhel of ir?l?-sized r? spo?; ?11y whitish; tail loner ?n ?e ?dy. Body one inch ud firelights, head half ? inch, ?il two in,es ?d u h? long. ?is ?im? i? ve? in,mating, ? ?iug ?e ?nd s?- 'cica of a ?nus meen?y es?blished, which only comis?d of P. c?, ?e GeCo ? of P?n; Cuv. R?g. Anita. ii. 46. ?d iv. ? & f. &; which h? somewhat m? of eol?g; but is ve? distinct from ?e ? of Op?!.