Page:Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, Volume 2.djvu/481

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brevJoribus huMidrio-oval, eost? hv? lamelb utrinque ml medium i? pressis alis hyalinis acuminatis spice viridlbus. Oh. This insect differs from.the L. uf?b? of Steii, �Ja? v?nem insect, inmm?ch u ira-thorax is not donrated, and is ?rked at the au?les with yolloM?. 115. GiYJ, Lu8 !qCTUS. L?J?_? Z?. M?. i. tab. ll?. GiyLLU8 RBOULUS? (n. S.) G. ferruglneo-fusc? oAtenis ?lifonm?u? ? ely?is obec? nebulosh, ?lh fusco-hyalin? t?Jis poetlck testJtc. eb spinis dornlibus ruffs spi?'bus nigrls. Order lqEUItOPTERA. vescentibus? 119. LZBBLLULA OC?W,A?A. Fab. 2f?: 8];?. iL 37?. 119. IdB?LLUI, A 8?eMA?fZaNS. Fab. ?f?. 8.y?..'fi. IS0. I,BSTBS ?BLLADONXi, (n. s.) L. supra viridis subtus cens pedibus nigris, alis quatuor cultrath macu? ad marlinera apicalem ? 1:?1. Aomo?( K?un, (n. 8.) ?A. e?pite ? f?dte corporequo ?bdmbmlib? nlfro ?boque annula? ? hy?linls fusco. 12?. OPmo]( LUTBUM. Fab. $?rf. P;?f..l?0. 1? _. OAf. This seem? ?coording to Fabrici?- to be merely a vari? 123. Lrm8 aNOULtTA. Fab. $y?. Pids. 230. O. 1?.. P .O?P?.LUS uOmO. Fp, b. $?,.. P/?s. 187. 1.